My cancer diagnosis has never defined me. Today, I've embraced it as a gift. My new life perspectives and priorities have made me better than I’ve ever been. I share my story here in hopes that if just one person benefits, it's worth telling. It's not a beautiful tale, but it's undeniably real.

      It began in 2017, after having my second child via C-Section. The recovery was much different than with my first child. I was told time and time again that my symptoms were normal for what my body had endured the last two years… I grew & nursed two beautifully healthy children.

      With time, my symptoms worsened as I switched doctors seeking to be taken seriously. According to protocol, I was too young for a routine colonoscopy and my symptoms were not severe enough for a referral. At one point I was even misdiagnosed with IBS and sent home with a list of pills to take. That was not the answer I was willing to accept. I knew something was wrong. So… after four years of fighting with our medical system and a global pandemic, I was granted a colonoscopy. This discovered Stage 3b Colorectal Cancer at 39 years young.

      Cancer treatment is wicked on so many levels. It is not just the physical pain and challenges. To this day, I’m still getting through the mental, emotional and spiritual. My Relationships. My Future. My Daily Triggers. My Fears. My Faith. My Gratitude. My Children, who don’t know the word cancer. On chemo days, I told them I was taking “Vitamins to help an imbalance in my tummy”. But, someday they will know how strong mommy had to be to keep it that way. During my therapy journey is when my relationship with time became so vividly clear. Significantly Delicate. Overwhelmingly valuable and somedays,  Painfully Questionable. I had to learn how to trust western medicine when I didn’t believe in it. 9 rounds of chemotherapy, 35 days of radiation, 11 hour surgery by 12 surgeons and one robot. I found tremendous comfort in Eastern Medicine and practices. If you or a loved one is going through cancer treatment, it would be an honor to share all things that gave me hope and comfort in hopes it could help you.

      If you are having abnormal GI Symptoms and do not feel like you are being understood by your medical team, please reach out to me. I'm here to listen, give you hope and guidance. This is your message. This is your sign. This is the reason I share my story. Due to the drastically rising cases in younger adults, the routine age for a colonoscopy has now been changed to 45 years old. If you have a family history of colorectal cancer or symptoms, you should be checked sooner. According to the Cancer Care Alliance, Colon Cancer is estimated to be the top cancer killer for people under 50 by 2030. For the record, I have no family history of colon cancer and my “dis-ease” has been determined non-genetic. This is happening to 1 in 24 of us young adults. Below are links to resources that may help or bring you comfort. And again, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here for you.
With Good Cells Strong. Bad Cells Gone.

      From the depths of my soul, I thank those who came running
to support me.
Special thanks to my husband and babies for bringing me back to
love, light and life.